Here is the final report of Mimic Pro marketing simulation:
§We will start from landing page conversions.
§Landing page conversions shows that how many people completed our call to action out of everyone
§The green indicates that our landing page conversions are at optimum level
§Landing page traffic can be explained as number of users who visited our website
§Good traffic indicates the effectiveness of online business activities
§We can see our landing page traffic is at green which indicates high level of traffic
§Search ads campaigns involves placing digital ads inside search engine results.
§It helps in driving sales and leads to the organization
§The indicator in green shows our search ad campaign has been set up effectively
At BUHI we were able to generate $64930 in total revenue with $12986 as average revenue
§Duffle bags were the highest selling product
§Travel bags sales were just below duffle bags
§Backpack sales were low compared to other products
Now we will conduct the situational analysis of BUHI
§Situational analysis helps in evaluation of the problem, understanding the current strategies and planning for the future.
§We get aware of all the internal and external factors that can influence our organization
§By identifying the target audience, businesses can position the products in a better way and create a strong brand identity.
§According to the data, the average age of customers is 31.83 year. It shows that most of our existing customers are mature and not dependent on their parents.
§According to the data, the average Income of customers is $59491.42. This income is consistent with the average age of our customers. It shows most of our customers are financially stable and independent.
§A significant amount of difference is observed when we compared the date of customers who signed up for email for BUHI emails vs the customers who engaged in social media posts.
§Out of 1000 customers, only 270 customer provided their emails for Buhi emails.
§However, 450+ customers were directly or indirectly involved and satisfied with performance of Buhi in social media engagements.
§The reason behind the wide gap of email campaigns vs social media campaigns is the changing trend. Now customers are more engaged in social media platforms rather than emails.
§The segment with lowest revenue was 17 YO male which only generated 202152 impressions. It only generated $1605 in revenue.
§The highest impressions were for 15 YO female segment with 872166 impressions. Similarly, this segment generated the most amount of revenue for Buhi. With such impressions, 15 YO generated $541409 in revenue.
§The highest total revenue was for 15 YO female. It generated $541409 in revenue.
§As mentioned earlier the highest earning was for 15 YO female so the profits were also maximum in this segment.
§Our products in the above mentioned segments are most suitable for the target segment which helped us in generating maximum revenue. Moreover, it also shows the usage of social media application is maximum in thi segment.
§In coming years, Buhi has to follow these steps in order to achieve sustainable growth.
§Buhi has to use customer’s journey analytics in order achieve a sustainable growth. Journey analytics comprises of
1.Acquisition (when shopper is on search)
2.Activation (when shopper invest in your product)
3.Adoption (when shopper start using the product)
§Through using social media effectively, Buhi has to increase engagement and build a strong relationship with its customers.
§In the end, credibility is what matters. Buhi has to ensure credibility in its business practices to ensure sustainable growth.